

We bought our first rental property with Zhao Hui. It was truly a great experience. He is a very friendly, honest, trustable and reliable realtor. He tirelessly showed us many properties, and never rushed us to make an offer unless we felt the property fitted our needs. When showing us the properties, he was very prompt to make appointments, and very punctual to meet us. During the visit, he would not hesitate to point out the good and bad parts of a property. One advantage is that he understood very well every component of a house as he used to be a licensed house inspector, thus he is very knowledgeable. When we finally decided on a property, he was also extremely helpful in going through the price negotiation process and making the final offer. We would not hesitate to use his service again in out next purchase.



赵晖先生是一位具有验房师经验的房产经纪,对于房子的质量,例如房子的地基,屋顶以及是否是大麻房,石棉房等他都能给客户把关。记得有次我看中Edgemont 地区的一幢房子,赵先生跟我说,他不建议我买这房子,因为房子是木质地基,不坚固且又有一股霉味。赵先生还是一位很敬业,认真负责,有良知且很有耐心的经纪,对于我们的咨询问题,他总是不厌其烦,不分昼夜及时给予答复,每次带我们看房后,都会给我们指出房子的缺陷和应注意问题,从来不急着要我们下offer,在他带领下,我们看了不少不同类型和价格的房子,并从不懂看房慢慢过渡到懂得看房,在这过程中,赵先生就是为了让顾客买了不后悔的心仪房子。总而言之,在加拿大,无论走到哪里,也找不到像赵先生这样一位具有丰富的专业知识,又诚实可靠,敬业耐心的经纪,正如我家人所说,以后买房,一定再找赵晖先生,有朋友要买房,一定推荐赵晖先生。




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十五年加拿大房地产从业经验,凭借良好的职业操守,扎实的地产知识,丰富的房屋建筑的实践经验,真诚细致的服务,赢得众多客户的信赖和口碑,卡尔加里,房地产,经纪,推荐,赵晖, 4033995168
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