
Wei Wang

2014年年底计划买房子,反复换过几位经纪人,后来经朋友推荐Hui Zhao(赵晖)作为我们经纪人,并与2015年年底,在赵晖帮助下,成功购买到我们计划之内的居家小屋。本次合作,赵晖买房,卖房,验房等多方面的经验,认真,负责的专业态度,我和家人都非常满意。赵晖在看房时会告诉我们房屋的优势和劣势,潜在的risks,曾经的修缮部分—借力于赵晖曾经的验房经验,而且赵晖从不催促,反而鼓励我们考虑周全再最决定。后来因为我自己的失误,阅读Condo文件的人不能按时帮我完成文件check,经赵晖推荐,帮我们请到价格合理,态度专业,经验更富的。。。帮我们按时完成文件阅读,后来赵晖又帮我们推荐了验房师,律师,我们都非常满意。真心感谢赵晖各方面的经验,让我省心省力,顺心顺意的完成在加拿大的首次购房规划!

Nathan Zhao

Hui Zhao is one of the best realtors I have ever worked for. Across Canada through Ontario to Alberta I met several realtors, Hui is the one with knowledge not just on real estates but on home inspection as well. He helped me find my ideal home in Aspen Woods, Calgary in 2015. His speciality on real estate and honest to customers are the things we really like. If you need buy/sell a house I highly recommend talking with Hui Zhao, He will definitely lead you towards your ideal destination.

Nathan Zhao


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